The KSD Group was engaged to provide complete turn-key development services for the Cal Sport Medical Building and its site development. The 17,000 square foot, two-story sports medical office houses physical therapy rooms, locker rooms, X-ray facilities, exam rooms, and office and administration space, located on 1.6 acres in downtown Oakland.
Retained prior to the hiring of any other consultants, KSD first initiated an RFP process to hire the architect and all design consultants. Conceptual estimates were done from early schematics to establish the budget. The contractor was next hired through a negotiated fee and general conditions proposal process.
KSD handled the entire entitlement process with the City of Oakland, setting up a concurrent plan check process agreed to by the City of Oakland, which saved six weeks in the preconstruction schedule.
The first conceptual estimates following early schematic design came in $200,000 over budget, placing the project in jeopardy. Working with the general contractor, the architect, and the client, KSD was able to reduce the budget by $140,000 through extensive value engineering. KSD also identified an additional $60,000 in cost savings through an open book bid process with the mechanical and electrical engineers, contractor, and subcontractors. All this brought the project within budget, allowing construction financing to be obtained and construction to commence.
KSD’s scope included overseeing the entire construction phase of the project. Working with the contractor, KSD provided daily on-site representation and coordination of onsite and offsite improvements. A tenant improvement contractor was brought on board, and KSD coordinated his work with the shell construction. KSD oversaw all tenant improvement work, including the building communications systems. The project was completed one week ahead of schedule and $40,000 under budget.
5700 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA
Charles R. Strotz, M.D., Piedmont, CA
The NBBJ Group, Health Facilities Planning,
San Francisco, CA
General Contractor:
Vanderson Construction Inc., San Jose, CA
September 1991
Constructed Value:
$3.1 Million